
by Part of Speech

Omaha Words that are proper noun: place & personal names

Page 5 of 5, showing 17 records out of 97 total

Wés'a níkʰashíⁿga (prop.noun)
  1. Shoshone; the Snake people.
Winaú (prop.noun)
  1. Woman's name; "First Daughter".
Winóⁿ (prop.noun)
  1. Woman's name, "First Daughter".
Záge (prop.noun)
  1. Sak, Sauk; the Sak or Sauk tribe.
zhiⁿgá chʰe (prop.noun)
  1. The Little One; one of the four figures on the rim of the rolling wheel.
Zhoⁿ tháwa (prop.noun)
  1. Stick counting; an Omaha game.
Zhóⁿata níkʰashíⁿga (prop.noun)
  1. The Yankton Dakotas; "people in the forest".
Zhoⁿthátʰe (prop.noun)
  1. "Wood eaters;" Sanssouci's village, in the timber on the lowland near Decatur, Nebr., in 1855.
Zhúthabthiⁿ (prop.noun)
  1. The Trinity.
Zíuhe (prop.noun)
  1. A branch of Bow Creek.
Zíwiúhi wachʰíshka (prop.noun)
  1. ______ Creek; name of a creek.
  2. A branch of Bow Creek.
Zizíkʰa ákʰisi (prop.noun)
  1. A Pawnee gens; the Republican Pawnees.
Zizíkʰa ákʰithis'íⁿ (prop.noun)
  1. The Republican Pawnees; "Turkey Pawnees".
Zoⁿde búta (prop.noun)
  1. A hill on a branch of Omaha creek, Nebraska, West of Jon Oakes' mill, "the curved highland covered with trees; wooded hill."
  2. A branch of Omaha creek, near the hill of the same name.
Zoⁿdé gthádiⁿ (prop.noun)
  1. "The Breckinridge," an area below Santee Agency, Knox Co., Nebraska.
Zúuhe wachʰishka (prop.noun)
  1. A branch of Bow Creek.
Zuzétʰte (prop.noun)
  1. Susette.