
by Part of Speech

Omaha Words that are postpositional phrase

Page 2 of 5, showing 20 records out of 98 total

paháshiatáha (p. phrase)
  1. Further up; toward a higher place.
paháshiatáthishoⁿ (p. phrase)
  1. Up in that direction.
paháshiatátʰoⁿ (p. phrase)
  1. From up above.
paháta (p. phrase)
  1. At the hill; on the hill.
pahéadi (p. phrase)
  1. On the hill, in the hill.
pahéadítʰoⁿ (p. phrase)
  1. Out of, or down from, the hill.
pahóⁿga tʰédi (p. phrase)
  1. Formerly, at first, at the beginning.
pahóⁿga tʰedítʰoⁿ (p. phrase)
  1. Since the first.
pahóⁿgadi (p. phrase)
  1. Formerly, at first, at the beginning.
pahóⁿgadíshti (p. phrase)
  1. In the past, on several occasions.
pahóⁿgadítʰoⁿ (p. phrase)
  1. From the first, from the beginning.
pahóⁿgatáthishoⁿ (p. phrase)
  1. Towards the front, in front.
pásiáta (p. phrase)
  1. Astride someone's shoulders.
pásiáta (p. phrase)
  1. At the head of a stream or top of a tree.
páze thóⁿdi (p. phrase)
  1. In the evening; about dusk, but before dark.
pédadi (p. phrase)
  1. In or on the fire.
pédeha (p. phrase)
  1. Into the fire.
qáthatá (p. phrase)
  1. Backwards.
qóⁿxadi (p. phrase)
  1. Away from the lodge.
qóⁿxata (p. phrase)
  1. Far away, at a great distance.