Page 7 of 22, showing 20 records out of 437 total
- belief
- oⁿ
- Expression implying belief of what has been heard.
- believable
- wíⁿkʰegáwáthe
- Credible, believable; what can be believed.
- believe
- wíⁿkʰegáxe
- To believe someone; to feel someone has told the truth.
- bellow
- wahútoⁿtóⁿ
- To call out for them repeatedly.
- bellow
- hútʰoⁿ
- To cry out, roar, bellow, etc.; said of the cries of all animals except humans and hogs.
- belly
- íti
- Abdomen, belly.
- belly
- dézi
- Belly, abdomen.
- belongings
- shíshige
- Dust, dirt, litter.
- Belongings, movable goods, baggage; small items that are used or are worn.
- below
- núshiáha
- Low, short.
- Down below.
- bend
- gabáshoⁿ
- To bend something by hitting it, for instance with an axe.
- bend
- bathíshizhe
- To bend something very far by pushing.
- bend
- bathíguzhe
- To push, as a stick, against any object, bending it (the stick) a little: to bend, as a bow, by pushing.
- Said of cornstalks that do not come up straight but bend over a little.
- bend
- bamáxe
- To bend over, bow the head, lean forward, stoop.
- beneficient
- ushkúdoⁿ
- To be kind, beneficient.
- bent
- bagízhe
- Bent down, like an old person or a thin animal.
- bent
- bispé
- Bent down.
- bent
- túqă
- Very bent or distorted, like a camel's hump.
- bent backward
- sh'íⁿkʰa
- To be bent backward.
- bent forelegs
- teáthigúzhe
- "Bent forelegs"; the forelegs of animals.
- bequeath
- ábashíbe
- To leave something with someone.
- To bequeath to someone.