Page 8 of 12, showing 20 records out of 221 total
- litter
- shíshige
- Dust, dirt, litter.
- Belongings, movable goods, baggage; small items that are used or are worn.
- little
- zhiⁿzhíⁿga
- Small, applied to a group of small objects.
- little
- baíthapʰíthiⁿ
- To push easily against an object; to thrust against with too little force to penetrate.
- little
- dádoⁿ zhiⁿzhíⁿga
- Small articles, little things or items.
- little
- zhíⁿga
- Small, little.
- Little One
- zhiⁿgá chʰe
- The Little One; one of the four figures on the rim of the rolling wheel.
- little people
- gadázhe
- Dwarves, little people.
- little toe
- sipáhi uzhíⁿga
- Little toe.
- little while
- káshizhiⁿga
- A little while.
- live
- wamóⁿhe gthíⁿ
- To sit or live in another person's lodge; live with another person's family.
- live in bark lodge
- zhoⁿthóⁿha íti
- To live in a bark lodge.
- live in lodge
- tígthe
- To live in a lodge.
- lizard
- wagthíshka hi dúba
- Lizard; "four-legged reptile".
- loaf
- wamúske niⁿde ákʰithaskábe
- Loaf of bread.
- lock
- uthídoⁿ itʰéthe
- To shut a door and lock it.
- lock
- uthídoⁿ
- To fasten, to lock.
- lock
- wíuthídoⁿ
- Lock, bar, bolt.
- Screwdriver.
- locked
- uthídoⁿ itʰé
- To stand locked; to be locked.
- lodge
- wamóⁿhe
- One who lives in someone else's lodge.
- lodge
- ti móⁿgthe
- Tipi; the upright tent of the Omahas, Poncas, and Dakotas.