Page 86 of 269, showing 20 records out of 5,377 total
- forked arrow tip
- moⁿ ítʰaxe zhóⁿkʰa
- Forked arrow tip.
- forked stick
- ísagthe
- Forked stick, like those used for hanging kettles over a fire.
- forked stick
- zhoⁿzháta
- Forked piece of wood.
- formerly
- pahóⁿga tʰédi
- Formerly, at first, at the beginning.
- formerly
- pahóⁿgadi
- Formerly, at first, at the beginning.
- forsake
- oⁿtha
- To forsake, abandon, leave, throw away.
- forth
- baíiza
- To push back and forth; to shake repeatedly, as a board, by punching at it.
- fortieth
- wégthebadúba
- The fortieth (one).
- fortify
- zhoⁿkʰóⁿtʰoⁿ
- Enclose, fortify with a wood fence or palisade; "bind wood together".
- forty
- gthébadúba
- Forty.
- forward
- úsh'athíⁿge
- To be forward, presumptuous, not in awe.
- To be unblushing, unceremonious, free and easy.
- four
- dúba
- Four.
- fourteen
- agthíⁿduba
- Fourteen; "again four".
- fourteen at a time
- agthíⁿdubáthoⁿ
- Fourteen together or at a time.
- fourteen collected
- agthíⁿdúbaha
- Fourteen in each place or collection.
- fourteen in each place
- agthíⁿdúbaha
- Fourteen in each place or collection.
- fourteen times
- agthíⁿdubóⁿ
- Fourteen times.
- fourteen to each
- agthíⁿdubáthóⁿthoⁿ
- Fourteen to each.
- fourteen together
- agthíⁿdubáthoⁿ
- Fourteen together or at a time.
- fourteenfold
- agthíⁿdubaakígthaha
- Fourteenfold.