Page 93 of 269, showing 20 records out of 5,377 total
- glad
- gíthe
- To rejoice; rejoice in, be glad or pleased.
- glad
- gítheqti óⁿ
- To be very glad.
- gland under arm
- nusí wáshkoⁿ
- Glands or lumps under the arms.
- glide
- znu
- Glide, slide.
- glitter
- zhnátʰigthágtha
- To glitter or flash repeatedly, like a mirror waved back and forth in the sun.
- glitter
- zhná tʰigthé
- To flash; to glitter once, like a mirror in the sun sending a beam of light.
- gloating
- chʰúhihí
- Interjection of triumph or gloating over misfortune of others.
- globular
- búbuta
- Round, globular, ball-like.
- globular
- búta
- Swelled-out, globular, round.
- glorify
- wiúkitóⁿgathe
- To glorify; to praise.
- glorious
- wiúkitóⁿgawáthe
- Glorious; able to be glorified.
- glory
- wiukitóⁿga
- Glory; "what makes one great".
- gloss
- mashté
- Warm.
- glue
- wéathaskábe
- Paste, mucilage.
- glue
- uthískabe
- To glue and make it stick with the hand.
- glutton
- wénoⁿdekíthe
- To gorge oneself, to eat like a glutton.
- gnash
- hi gthágigíze
- To gnash or grate one's teeth.
- gnaw
- uthágude
- To make an inside point or corner by biting; to gnaw at an inside corner.
- gnaw
- uthá'ude
- To gnaw a hole in a flat solid object.
- go
- shethé
- To go in footprints; follow a track.