
by Part of Speech

Omaha Words that are verb phrase

Page 8 of 9, showing 20 records out of 174 total

wanáqi uthísoⁿ (v.phrase)
  1. To roast or parch corn.
wanáshe nazhíⁿ (v.phrase)
  1. To stand guard, as a soldier or police officer.
wanáshe utʰíⁿ (v.phrase)
  1. To punish officially; to punish for breaking a law.
wanóⁿpe giáxe (v.phrase)
  1. To threaten someone.
wáqe gáxe (v.phrase)
  1. To act like White people.
waqthí gaski t'é (v.phrase)
  1. To pant and die from fright or exhaustion.
waqthí gáxe (v.phrase)
  1. To pretend to be a coward; pretend to be afraid.
wéahíde kʰitháthai (v.phrase)
  1. To leave one another far apart.
wégthi biká (v.phrase)
  1. To rub grease on something; to grease.
wét'e tʰóⁿ (v.phrase)
  1. To mourn for one's dead.
wéta athíⁿ ázhoⁿ zhóⁿ (v.phrase)
  1. To sit on eggs like a hen; "lie on eggs".
wéthigthoⁿ etá tʰe éduíhe (v.phrase)
  1. To follow someone else's will or opinion.
wétoⁿiⁿ gáxe (v.phrase)
  1. To distinguish; make a distinction.
wíⁿkʰegáxe (v.phrase)
  1. To believe someone; to feel someone has told the truth.
za'é tʰígthe (v.phrase)
  1. To burst out with a shout.
za'é tʰithé (v.phrase)
  1. To make a sudden noise.
zhémusnáde (v.phrase)
  1. Squatting, sitting on one's haunches.
zhí égoⁿ sábe (v.phrase)
  1. Dark orange-red.
zhíbe thigúzhe (v.phrase)
  1. Bandy-legged; bow-legged.
zhíde gthezhé (v.phrase)
  1. Red spotted; having red spots.