
by Omaha Word

Page 2 of 11, showing 20 records out of 207 total

shénuzhíⁿgakíthe (v.phrase)
  1. To begin to think of oneself as a young man.
shénuzhiⁿzhíⁿga (n.)
  1. Boys or young men of various ages and sizes.
shéskíthe (n.)
  1. Pear, "sweet apple".
shetʰóⁿdoⁿde (adv.)
  1. About now.
shetʰóⁿdoⁿqtiki (adv.)
  1. At about that time or season.
shétʰoⁿqtiádi (adv.)
  1. Then, in the remote past.
shéthe (v.t.)
  1. To pay attention to; heed.
shethé (v.)
  1. To go in footprints; follow a track.
shéthekʰíthe (v.t.)
  1. To cause to heed or pay attention to someone
  2. To obey someone.
shétheshtewóⁿzhi (v.)
  1. To not pay the least attention to; not heed.
shethóⁿ (v.root)
  1. Taken apart; in pieces.
shéthuadi tʰédi (p. phrase)
  1. At that land near you.
shéthuáta (p. phrase)
  1. To that place over there near you.
shéthuatátʰoⁿ (p. phrase)
  1. From over there near you.
shéthuatáthishoⁿ (p. phrase)
  1. Towards that place over there near you.
shéthutʰoⁿ (p. phrase)
  1. From your place.
shéthutʰoⁿtá (adv.)
  1. At or to your place.
shéwatházhi (v.t.)
  1. To disregard them; not heed or pay attention to them.
  2. To withhold their pay or wages.
shéwathe (v.t.)
  1. To pay attention to them; heed them.
shi (v.a.)
  1. You are or were coming here.
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