
by Omaha Word

Page 8 of 11, showing 20 records out of 207 total

shóⁿkoⁿ (${10000015+9999984})
  1. Nine times.
shóⁿkoⁿ kʰígthe (num.phrase)
  1. Nine times in a row.
shoⁿkʰéthe (v.t.)
  1. To leave it alone; said of a long object.
shoⁿméwathe (v.t.)
  1. To leave them alone; said of moving people or animals.
shóⁿmoⁿthíⁿkʰithe (v.t.)
  1. To leave a (walking) person alone or undisturbed.
shóⁿnazhíⁿkʰithe (v.t.)
  1. To leave a (standing) person alone or undisturbed.
shóⁿnoⁿ (conj.)
  1. And only.
  2. And usually; and always.
shóⁿqchi (adv.)
  1. In spite of, despite, notwithstanding.
  2. Just so.
  3. All at once, right away.
shóⁿqti (adv.)
  1. In spite of; notwithstanding.
  2. Just so.
  3. All at once, right away.
shóⁿqti góⁿ (adv.)
  1. For no reason; nothing being the matter.
shóⁿshoⁿ (adv.)
  1. Always, ever, unceasing, enduring.
shoⁿshóⁿqtioⁿ (adv.)
  1. Always, forever.
shoⁿshóⁿtha (adv.)
  1. In a trembling manner, shakily.
shoⁿshóⁿtha (v.)
  1. Loosened in its socket, as a fence post or a tooth.
shóⁿtoⁿga (n.)
  1. Wolf.
shóⁿtoⁿgaha (n.)
  1. Wolf skin.
Shóⁿtoⁿga íthaethéma (prop.noun)
  1. Wolf Dance society members; "those who have supernatural connection with wolves".
shóⁿtoⁿga nóⁿkʰa tú (n.)
  1. Blue-back wolf.
shóⁿtoⁿga ská (n.)
  1. White wolf; the large white wolf.
shóⁿtoⁿga túma égoⁿmathóⁿ (n.phrase)
  1. "The blue wolves".
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