
by Omaha Word

Page 9 of 11, showing 20 records out of 207 total

shoⁿtʰéthe (v.t.)
  1. To leave it alone; said of a standing inanimate object or collection of small inanimate objects.
shóⁿtʰoⁿéthe (v.t.)
  1. To leave a (standing) person or animal alone or undisturbed.
shóⁿtʰoⁿ sábe (n.)
  1. Black wolf.
shoⁿthá (v.)
  1. Upset and spilled; tipped over and spilled.
shoⁿtháthe (v.a.)
  1. To cause to be upset and spilled.
shóⁿthiⁿéthe (v.t.)
  1. To leave a (moving) person alone or undisturbed.
shóⁿthiⁿkʰéthe (v.t.)
  1. To leave a (sitting) person alone or undisturbed.
shóⁿthoⁿéthe (v.t.)
  1. To leave it alone; said of a curved or globular object.
shóⁿthoⁿkʰéwathe (v.t.)
  1. To leave them alone; said of people or animals.
shóⁿzhiⁿga (n.)
  1. Puppy.
shóⁿzhiⁿga (n.)
  1. Colt.
Shpaiúna (prop.noun)
  1. Spaniard; Spanish person.
shpoⁿ (v.s.)
  1. To soak through.
shpóⁿthe (v.)
  1. To soak something in water, such as a hide.
shtáge (v.s.)
  1. Lukewarm; milk-warm.
shti (conj.)
  1. Also, too (enclitic).
  2. And, too; both... and (independent conjunction).
shtíde (v.s.)
  1. Comfortable, warm.
shtídethe (v.a.)
  1. To make comfortable or warm.
shtoⁿ (v.root)
  1. Stop; let go.
shtoⁿgá (v.s.)
  1. Soft, as deer-skin, cloth, or flesh.
  2. Puffed-up, bunchy.
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