
by Omaha Word

Page 6 of 8, showing 20 records out of 152 total

théze híde (n.phrase)
  1. Root of the tongue.
théze híde ukʰíthizhóⁿkʰa (n.phrase)
  1. Palate, roof of the mouth.
théze pasí (n.phrase)
  1. Tip of the tongue.
thi (pro.)
  1. You; thou, thee.
thi'í'itha (v.)
  1. To tickle someone.
thibthípʰe (v.)
  1. To mix with the hands.
thibthúbthuga (n.)
  1. Corn dumplings.
thichéshka (v.)
  1. To shorten, abbreviate, abridge.
  2. To cut short with scissors.
thigthíze (n.)
  1. Forked lightening.
thiígatʰoⁿ (v.)
  1. To make a sick person grunt or groan by lifting him or her.
thik'ádoⁿ (v.)
  1. To ruffle, as hair or feathers.
thikʰíⁿde (v.)
  1. To soften a hide by pulling it back and forth around something.
thikʰúthe (v.a.)
  1. To act or work quickly.
thióⁿba (n.)
  1. Sheet lightening.
thip'óⁿp'oⁿde uthíshi (v.s.)
  1. Immovable, steady.
thíqthe siⁿwaniⁿdehi (n.phrase)
  1. Wild rice plant (siⁿwaniⁿde-hi) (Zizania aquatica L.).
thiqúbe (v.)
  1. To consecrate; to make holy.
thiskúba (v.)
  1. To mark an object by tying or wrapping with a cord or rope.
thiskúda (v.)
  1. To mark across the grain by tying or drawing a rope over the surface.
thisóⁿsoⁿde (v.)
  1. To shake something several times rapidly by pulling.
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