Page 3 of 12, showing 20 records out of 230 total
- really
- qchi
- Very, really, real.
- rear
- siⁿdéhadi
- At the tail; in the rear.
- reasonable
- ethégoⁿwáthe
- Probable, reasonable, conceivable.
- rebuke
- íhusa
- To scold, chide, rebuke, reprove someone.
- rebuke
- wéhusa
- To scold, chide, rebuke,or reprove them.
- recall
- gisíthe
- To remember, recollect.
- recline
- zhoⁿ
- To recline, to lie down.
- To sleep, to be asleep.
- recline
- zhóⁿ'oⁿhe
- To recline or lie on another person; to have intercourse.
- recollect
- gisíthe
- To remember, recollect.
- recover
- giní
- To recover or revive from sickness or fainting.
- recover
- gipáhoⁿ
- To rise again, to recover itself, as grass which has been bent down.
- rectum
- tóⁿhe
- Rectum of cattle.
- red
- zhíde
- Red.
- red
- xi
- Reddish brown, clay-colored.
- red
- xíthe
- To make something reddish-brown.
- red
- zhíde shábe égoⁿ
- Dark red.
- red
- zhíde gthezhé
- Red spotted; having red spots.
- red
- zhí égoⁿ
- Cherry red or brownish red.
- red
- zhí égoⁿ sábe
- Dark orange-red.
- red
- zí zhide égoⁿ
- Yellowish red; reddish yellow.