Page 101 of 269, showing 20 records out of 5,377 total
- gun-screw
- wahútoⁿthe uthígtheze
- Gun-screw.
- gun-sight
- wahútoⁿthe wíudóⁿbe
- Gun-sight; sight on a gun barrel.
- gunpowder
- maqúde
- Ashes.
- Gunpowder.
- gust
- tadóⁿhe
- Sudden gust of wind.
- Whirlwind.
- guts
- shíbe
- Entrails, intestines.
- guts
- qthu'a
- Innards, guts, everything inside the abdominal cavity, including intestines, etc.; "hollow places" above the hips.
- Hah!
- iúhúⁿ
- An exclamation used by a warrior telling what he will dare to do.
- hail
- mási
- Hail.
- hair
- názhiha
- Hair; the hair of the human head.
- hair
- bagthá
- To undo braided hair, plaited rope, etc.
- Vulgar meaning (unspecified by Dorsey).
- hair cut in spots
- ábazhna gthézhe
- Hair cut off the head in spots, leaving the scalp showing here and there.
- hair grease
- íznakʰithé
- Hair grease.
- Hair on end
- Kigthihegoⁿ
- Makes His Hair Stand on End (?); Ponca man's name.
- hair-oil
- ínubthoⁿkʰíthe
- Perfume or hair-oil.
- haircut
- ábazhnáthoⁿ
- Haircut, hairstyle; style of cutting one's hair.
- hairpin
- weábaqtháde
- Hairpins.
- hairpin
- nazhíha wébaqtháde
- Hairpin.
- hairstyle
- ábazhnáthoⁿ
- Haircut, hairstyle; style of cutting one's hair.
- hairy being
- iⁿdáthiⁿga
- Mysterious being that dwells in the woods.
- Hairy mysterious being.
- Long-clawed mysterious being.
- half
- wiⁿdéthoⁿska
- Half the size; half as big.