Page 105 of 269, showing 20 records out of 5,377 total
- heed
- shéthe
- To pay attention to; heed.
- heed
- shétheshtewóⁿzhi
- To not pay the least attention to; not heed.
- heed
- shéthekʰíthe
- To cause to heed or pay attention to someone
- To obey someone.
- heed
- shéwathe
- To pay attention to them; heed them.
- heed
- shéwatházhi
- To disregard them; not heed or pay attention to them.
- To withhold their pay or wages.
- heel
- sithéde
- Heel.
- heir
- ábashibaí
- Heir or heiress.
- heiress
- ábashibaí
- Heir or heiress.
- Helenium
- zha tóⁿga baxúxu
- A yellow flower, probably a species of sneezeweed or Helenium, found in Nebraska. It has an angle-stem (baxuxu), grows not over four feet high, near streams, and has several yellow flowers, each about an inch in diameter, at the top of the stem.
- hello
- hó
- Thank you.
- Greeting: Hello, How are you.
- Sign of approval: "Hear! Hear!"
- Discourse marker: "Well;" beginning of new paragraph.
- Used in calling to a distant person: "Hey, halloo, yoohoo".
- Adds emphasis to a command.
- oral period [used when somebody raises his voice]
- help
- úwagikóⁿ
- To help them or us; to aid more than one person.
- help
- úwakoⁿ
- To help them.
- helpful
- uthípi
- Helpful, serviceable, useful to someone.
- herald
- íekʰíthe
- Public crier or herald.
- Hercules Beetle
- wagthíshka ha shúga
- Cockroach; "insect with thick skin"
- Hercules Beetle (Dynastes tityus)
- Rhinoceros Beetle (Dynastes tityus)
- herd
- shúka
- A flock, as of geese or ducks; a herd of animals; a group or crowd of people.
- herd
- shúkata
- With the flock, herd, or company.
- herd
- shúkata
- With the flock, herd, or company.
- hereafter
- óⁿbatʰóⁿshte
- Someday, hereafter.
- hermaphrodite buffalo
- temíxuga
- Freemartin or hermaphrodite buffalo.