
by Part of Speech

Omaha Words that are noun

Page 46 of 46, showing 9 records out of 909 total

zhútʰoⁿwáthe (n.)
  1. Descendants, posterity.
zízige (n.)
  1. Rubber, elastic; any rubber or elastic object.
zizíkʰa (n.)
  1. Turkey; wild turkey or domestic turkey.
znóⁿznoⁿ (n.)
  1. A level prairie.
  2. A level valley between two hills or bluffs.
zoⁿde (n.)
  1. Forest. Dense Forest. Highland covered with trees.
zoⁿzí (n.)
  1. Tree of the Moraceae family; mulberry or osage orange tree.
zoⁿzí ukʰéthiⁿ (n.)
  1. Common Mulberry.
zóⁿziga (n.)
  1. Red-shafted flicker; golden-winged woodpecker.
zoⁿzíqti (n.)
  1. Osage orange; "the real moraceae tree".