
by Part of Speech

Omaha Words that are stative verb

Page 4 of 17, showing 20 records out of 324 total

gí tʰhazhi (v.s.)
  1. To be sad, sorry, grieved.
  2. To be displeased.
gishkóⁿ (v.s.)
  1. To be quick or handy at doing something.
gishkóⁿqti (v.s.)
  1. Very rapidly.
gisíthewáthe (v.s.)
  1. Memorable.
gíthazhiázhi (v.s.)
  1. Not to be sad, sorry, grieved, or displeased.
gíthe (v.s.)
  1. To rejoice; rejoice in, be glad or pleased.
gíthikoⁿ uthíshi (v.s.)
  1. Inevitable, unavoidable.
gíthikóⁿzhiwáthe (v.s.)
  1. Inevitable, unavoidable.
giⁿthá (v.s.)
  1. Wrinkled, like the skin of an old person.
gtha (v.s.)
  1. Unbraided, unwoven.
gthátha (v.s.)
  1. Unbraided or unwoven of its own accord; unraveled.
gtheshká (v.s.)
  1. Spotted.
gthezáza (v.s.)
  1. Striped or streaked in many places; figured, striped, as calico or dimity.
gthezházha (v.s.)
  1. Spotted, figured, patterned, like calico.
gthezhé (v.s.)
  1. Spotted; having spots in one place.
gthíde (v.s.)
  1. Slushy.
gthígthide (v.s.)
  1. Slushy, sticky, slimy, ropy, muddy.
gthóⁿde (v.s.)
  1. Worn off, worn short, worn down, worn away.
gthóⁿpʰa (v.s.)
  1. Worn short, worn away.
gthóⁿthe (v.s.)
  1. Broad, wide.