
by Part of Speech

Omaha Words that are active verb

Page 12 of 14, showing 20 records out of 266 total

waqé (v.a.)
  1. To bury them.
wáqe (v.a.)
  1. To exceed them; go beyond them; excel more than them.
waqéxe (v.a.)
  1. To nurse a child.
  2. To hold and soothe a child in one's arms.
wáqthi (v.a.)
  1. To stun or kill them by blows.
wawédoⁿbe (v.a.)
  1. To go out as a scout for them.
wawéthoⁿxe (v.a.)
  1. To ask questions about various things.
wébetʰoⁿ (v.a.)
  1. To make a detour, as to avoid a place or person.
wégoⁿze (v.a.)
  1. To teach them.
wékʰu (v.a.)
  1. To invite them to a feast.
wénoⁿde (v.a.)
  1. To feel full after eating.
wénoⁿdekíthe (v.a.)
  1. To gorge oneself, to eat like a glutton.
wéshi (v.a.)
  1. To put something up as stakes or prizes; to bet something (said of arrows, necklaces, leggings, but never bows).
  2. To pay with something.
wéthiⁿwiⁿwáthe (v.a.)
  1. Sellable, saleable, able to be sold.
wétoⁿiⁿthe (v.a.)
  1. To distinguish.
wézhidéthe (v.a.)
  1. To dye red with something.
wíⁿkʰazhi (v.a.)
  1. To lie, speak falsely; not tell the truth.
wíⁿkʰe (v.a.)
  1. To speak truth; tell the truth.
woⁿdoⁿthe (v.a.)
  1. To put things from several different places together.
wóⁿgithethe (v.a.)
  1. To take or keep all of something; take every one.
xagázhi (v.a.)
  1. Not to cry.