
by Part of Speech

Omaha Words that are verb that is not yet classified

Page 14 of 24, showing 20 records out of 473 total

stubáthe (v.)
  1. To become smooth.
sudáthe (v.)
  1. To become trimmed of branches or hair
  2. To become bare of vegetation.
  3. To be expended.
t'áthiⁿ (v.)
  1. About to die, near death.
tadésage (v.)
  1. It blows; the wind blows.
tákʰiⁿkʰiⁿ (v.)
  1. To stagger or totter when walking on a secure foundation. Used only of persons.
thadáxe (v.)
  1. To speak indistinctly.
thadázhiwáthe (v.)
  1. Unpronounceable, ineffable; cannot or should not be pronounced.
thadíatha (v.)
  1. To nibble small holes in something.
thadóⁿ (v.)
  1. To pull something with the teeth.
  2. To bite hard on (once).
thagthóⁿthiⁿ (v.)
  1. To confuse someone by talking.
thaígatʰoⁿ (v.)
  1. To make someone grunt by biting.
thak'áxe (v.)
  1. To make a grating noise by gnawing.
thakʰéne (v.)
  1. To scold.
thakʰóⁿga (v.)
  1. To scold someone who seldom deserves it.
thanát'ega (v.)
  1. To kill plants by biting around the roots, as rabbits do.
thanóⁿbaha (v.)
  1. To bite an object in two.
  2. To separate two objects by biting or talking.
thap'óⁿp'oⁿde (v.)
  1. To shake something slowly up and down with the mouth.
thapí (v.)
  1. To speak a language well.
  2. To speak well, as an orator.
thapíazhi (v.)
  1. To speak a language incorrectly.
  2. To pronounce a word or phrase badly.
  3. To speak evil of someone.
thapʰézhi (v.)
  1. To speak bad words; to speak evil of, to curse.