
by Part of Speech

Omaha Words that are verb that is not yet classified

Page 24 of 24, showing 13 records out of 473 total

zhúguqía (v.)
  1. To have white spots on the body, as from sickness.
zhúkigthe (v.)
  1. To be or go by oneself.
zhúkithe (v.)
  1. To shape-shift; change or transform into some object, or assume the form of the object.
zhúkʰigthe (v.)
  1. To be or go with each other.
zhunákʰade (v.)
  1. To have a fever.
zhútʰoⁿthe (v.)
  1. To raise; to grow crops or rear children.
zi (v.)
  1. To scorch or toast.
zizíde wa'óⁿ (v.)
  1. To whistle as a woman does.
  2. To sing in a low, soothing manner, as when lulling an infants to sleep.
znáthe (v.)
  1. To grease, rub grease on, lubricate.
znedéthahă (v.)
  1. Broad; extending far, as a tract of land or water.
zniⁿdáthe (v.)
  1. Withered away; wasting away from sickness.
znué (v.)
  1. To slip or slide away.
zuzúde (v.)
  1. To trick someone by whistling and then turning one's head away.