
by Part of Speech

Omaha Words that are verb that is not yet classified

Page 7 of 24, showing 20 records out of 473 total

bitúbe (v.)
  1. To make something crumble by weight or pressure, as an old log or stump.
bitʰóⁿ (v.)
  1. To feel for something with the hands, as in the dark.
bitʰóⁿtʰoⁿ (v.)
  1. To feel repeatedly for something, as in the dark.
biwáshtage (v.)
  1. To mount and tame an unbroken horse.
bízethe (v.)
  1. To dry something.
bizúzude (v.)
  1. To wheeze repeatedly.
biⁿzé (v.)
  1. To give the cry of a young elk or deer.
btha (v.)
  1. To open, to spread out; to be opened or spread out.
bthiⁿ (v.)
  1. Am, I am; first person form of 'to be'.
bthoⁿ (v.)
  1. To emit an odor, to smell.
dáwiⁿ (v.)
  1. To sail round and round, like an eagle soaring.
déshteá (v.)
  1. To be talkative.
dúzhe (v.)
  1. Cracked, split.
ethégoⁿ (v.)
  1. To think; to think that.
ethégoⁿwáthe (v.)
  1. Probable, reasonable, conceivable.
ethégoⁿzhi (v.)
  1. To not think that.
gabábaxu (v.)
  1. To beat a piece of metal till it becomes four-cornered.
  2. To make hills of earth by hoeing.
gabáshoⁿ (v.)
  1. To bend something by hitting it, for instance with an axe.
gabízhe (v.)
  1. To wink.
gakú (v.)
  1. To beat a drum.