
by Part of Speech

Omaha Words that are noun

Page 36 of 46, showing 20 records out of 909 total

wamí ga'aí (n.)
  1. Menstruation, menstrual blood.
wamíde (n.)
  1. Seed for planting or sowing.
wamíⁿde (n.)
  1. Seed for planting or sowing.
wamóⁿhe (n.)
  1. One who lives in someone else's lodge.
wámoⁿshíha (n.)
  1. Pole to which meat is tied for drying during the summer hunt.
wámuqthi (n.)
  1. A poisonous root or medicine which makes sores on the flesh.
wamúske (n.)
  1. Wheat.
  2. Bread; wheat bread.
wanágthe (n.)
  1. Domesticated or tame animal; pet.
wánakóⁿgthe (n.)
  1. Candle, lamp.
wánakóⁿgthe wagthíshka (n.)
  1. Firefly, lightning bug; "candle insect".
wanáqi (n.)
  1. Grains of parched corn.
wánase (n.)
  1. Surrounding of a herd.
wanáshe (n.)
  1. Policeman, soldier.
wanáxe (n.)
  1. Ghost, spirit.
wanáxoⁿxoⁿ (n.)
  1. Firefly, lightning bug; "shows red at intervals as it lights up".
wanázhnudéthe (n.)
  1. Hominy.
waníta (n.)
  1. Quadruped; four-legged animal.
waníⁿde (n.)
  1. Mush.
waníⁿdegáske (n.)
  1. Ash-cake.
wanóⁿbthe (n.)
  1. Eater.