
by Part of Speech

Omaha Words that are verb that is not yet classified

Page 20 of 24, showing 20 records out of 473 total

uthípʰupʰú (v.)
  1. To pull closer and closer in, as pulling the ends of a robe closer around and over an object.
uthíshiⁿ (v.)
  1. To cover, as with a garment.
uthíshki (v.)
  1. To wring out a garment once, over or in a tub.
uthíshkishki (v.)
  1. To wring out the water from a garment by twisting it many times with the hands, over or in a tub.
uthíshoⁿ (v.)
  1. To go around in a circle, like the hands of a clock; to go around something.
uthíshoⁿ moⁿthíⁿ (v.)
  1. To walk around an object.
uthíshpashpá (v.)
  1. To break or crumble into pieces with the hands, as crackers into soup.
uthískabe (v.)
  1. To glue and make it stick with the hand.
uthísoⁿ (v.)
  1. To roast or parch, as corn or coffee.
uthíze (v.)
  1. To knock down; to cause part of a pile to slide down accidentally by handling it.
uthízha (v.)
  1. To wash in something.
úthoⁿ (v.)
  1. To take hold of or arrest them.
uzhézhi (v.)
  1. To roast in.
uzhnúde (v.)
  1. To come out of its own accord.
wagáshoⁿ (v.)
  1. To travel; be on a journey.
wagóⁿtha (v.)
  1. To want them.
wahúthe (v.)
  1. To respect or honor someone.
  2. To consult someone before acting; treat with respect.
wahútoⁿtóⁿ (v.)
  1. To call out for them repeatedly.
wanábthoⁿ (v.)
  1. To emit a strong smell, as food being cooked.
wánanáse (v.)
  1. Surround repeatedly or often.