
by Part of Speech

Omaha Words that are verb that is not yet classified

Page 21 of 24, showing 20 records out of 473 total

wanáse (v.)
  1. To surround them; surround a herd of buffalo or elk.
wánase (v.)
  1. To surround them, as a herd of buffalo or elk.
wanáxethe (v.)
  1. To die, to pass away.
wáqpathethe (v.)
  1. To accidentally make an object fall on them or us.
wáwazhu (v.)
  1. To cut off all the meat remaining on their bones.
wawébaxu (v.)
  1. To write to them about many things.
wawéqta (v.)
  1. To abuse a female.
wazhiⁿqídethe (v.)
  1. To get out of patience with someone.
wazhíⁿqídewáthe (v.)
  1. To get out of patience with them.
wéapʰázhi (v.)
  1. To not wait for them.
wéapʰe (v.)
  1. To wait for them.
wébaha (v.)
  1. To show them something.
wébahoⁿ (v.)
  1. To know something; to know them.
wébaqtáqte (v.)
  1. To bind up in bundles, as wheat.
wébaxu (v.)
  1. To write to them.
wéboⁿ (v.)
  1. To call to them or us (plural object).
wémaxe (v.)
  1. To question them.
wéni (v.)
  1. To escape from them.
wénoⁿdewáthe (v.)
  1. To make someone full or satisfied by giving them food.
wénoⁿpe (v.)
  1. To be afraid of them.