
by Part of Speech

Omaha Words that are stative verb

Page 11 of 17, showing 20 records out of 324 total

taqpízhna (v.s.)
  1. To be bald.
táshe (v.s.)
  1. Rounded, swollen, distended, puffed up.
tatá (v.s.)
  1. To be unsteady, trembling.
tátashe (v.s.)
  1. Callous, lumpy, or knotty here and there.
tha'égoⁿ (v.s.)
  1. Poor, miserable, pitiable, wretched.
thágthiⁿ (v.s.)
  1. Good. Used primarily in Ponca names.
thágthiⁿázhi (v.s.)
  1. Not well made; clumsily or badly done.
thazhná (v.s.)
  1. To lose one's hair, go completely bald, as from sickness.
thip'óⁿp'oⁿde uthíshi (v.s.)
  1. Immovable, steady.
thiⁿgé (v.s.)
  1. To lack, to not have.
  2. There is none.
thútʰoⁿ (v.s.)
  1. Straight.
  2. Correct.
thutʰóⁿqti (v.s.)
  1. Very straight.
  2. Exact, exactly, accurately.
ti'a (v.s.)
  1. Rotten, worn out, full of holes, as rotten wood or worn-out clothing.
toⁿgá (v.s.)
  1. Large, big, great.
toⁿgégoⁿ (v.s.)
  1. Somewhat large.
tóⁿguthúatʰoⁿ (v.s.)
  1. Smaller; "next to large".
tu (v.s.)
  1. Blue, green.
túbe (v.s.)
  1. Fine, as flour.
túgthoⁿzhiwáthe (v.s.)
  1. Cannot be hauled.
túqă (v.s.)
  1. Very bent or distorted, like a camel's hump.