
by Part of Speech

Omaha Words that are stative verb

Page 13 of 17, showing 20 records out of 324 total

uthíqaga (v.s.)
  1. To be chapped, as the face, lips, or hands.
uthíshoⁿ (v.s.)
  1. Around someone or something; moving circularly like the hands of a clock.
uthízizi (v.s.)
  1. To be asleep, numb, as a hand or foot.
úthoⁿzhiwáthe (v.s.)
  1. Not likely to cause their arrest.
uwátʰoⁿ (v.s.)
  1. Next.
uzhétha (v.s.)
  1. To be tired or weary.
uzhéthawáthe (v.s.)
  1. Tiresome.
wágazu (v.s.)
  1. Straight, right, honest, upright.
wágazuázhi (v.s.)
  1. Not straight, dishonest, wrong, unjust.
wágazuqtiázhi (v.s.)
  1. Not exactly correct.
wahéhazhi (v.s.)
  1. To be brave, stout-hearted, dependable.
wahéhe (v.s.)
  1. To be unsteady, insecure, loosely fastened.
  2. To be sickly, faint-hearted, undependable.
wahíthage (v.s.)
  1. To be lame.
wahóⁿthiⁿge (v.s.)
  1. To be an orphan.
wamí (v.s.)
  1. To bleed, to be bloody.
waníabi (v.s.)
  1. Causing pain.
wanóⁿduzi (v.s.)
  1. To be afraid of an accident, as when one walks on a weak ladder or thin ice.
waqpáni (v.s.)
  1. To be poor.
waqpáthiⁿ (v.s.)
  1. To be poor.
waqpáthiⁿázhi (v.s.)
  1. Not to be poor.