
by Part of Speech

Omaha Words that are stative verb

Page 12 of 17, showing 20 records out of 324 total

túqti (v.s.)
  1. Green.
  2. Dark green, very green.
tʰiⁿ (v.s.)
  1. To be damp, dampened, moist, moistened.
uákʰihoⁿ (v.s.)
  1. Next to, following, additional, extra.
uákʰihoⁿhoⁿ (v.s.)
  1. One after another.
udáthoⁿ (v.s.)
  1. To become accustomed to something.
udíⁿdiⁿ (v.s.)
  1. Stiff.
údoⁿ (v.s.)
  1. Good; to be good.
uíthazhiwáthe (v.s.)
  1. Cannot be told to someone.
ukʰéthiⁿ (v.s.)
  1. Common, ordinary, usual.
ushkúdoⁿ (v.s.)
  1. To be kind, beneficient.
ushté (v.s.)
  1. To remain, be left over.
ushtéqti (v.s.)
  1. To remain in considerable quantity or degree; to be a lot left.
ushtíde (v.s.)
  1. To be comfortable in, as in bed.
ushúde (v.s.)
  1. Smoky, smoke-filled.
  2. Foggy, turbid, stirred up, as a stream.
utháha (v.s.)
  1. To be connected or attached to, as a lariat around a horse's neck, a saddle on a horse, a key in a lock.
uthás'iⁿ (v.s.)
  1. In connection with; joined to, as a lariat around a horse's neck, a saddle on a pony, or a key in a lock.
utháwathe (v.s.)
  1. Able to be told or revealed; worthy of being told
utházoⁿzóⁿ (v.s.)
  1. To be numb or asleep, as the feet or hands.
uthéwiⁿ (v.s.)
  1. Collected, assembled, gathered in one heap or place.
uthípi (v.s.)
  1. Helpful, serviceable, useful to someone.