
by Omaha Word

Page 11 of 14, showing 20 records out of 271 total

tiúthipʰu zhíⁿga (n.phrase)
  1. Small lodge formed by bending down the tops of poles or saplings and sticking them in the ground.
tíuzhí (n.)
  1. Household or family; all who live in a house or lodge together.
tizhébe (n.)
  1. Door, doorway, entrance to a tent, lodge, or house.
tizhéb íthizhnúde búta (n.)
  1. Door knob.
tóⁿdadi (p. phrase)
  1. At or on the ground.
tóⁿdadítʰoⁿ (p. phrase)
  1. Up from the ground, out of the ground.
toⁿdáha (p. phrase)
  1. Into the ground.
tóⁿdata (p. phrase)
  1. To the ground; at the ground.
  2. Away from the river.
toⁿdátaha (p. phrase)
  1. Towards the bluffs.
toⁿdatatʰoⁿ (p. phrase)
  1. Away from the ground or bluffs nearby, and towards the stream.
tóⁿdatáthishoⁿ (p. phrase)
  1. Towards the ground.
  2. Away from the river.
tóⁿde (n.)
  1. The ground.
tóⁿdeatá (p. phrase)
  1. Away from the river.
tóⁿdeatáthishoⁿ (p. phrase)
  1. Away from the river.
  2. Without trees and water.
tóⁿdeatáthishoⁿ úgaqthe (v.phrase)
  1. Facing toward the land, with one's back to the water.
tóⁿde sagí íthisé (n.phrase)
  1. The curved blade of a breaking-plow.
tóⁿde ukʰéthiⁿ (n.phrase)
  1. Common land.
  2. Soil.
toⁿdí'e (n.)
  1. Shovel, spade.
tóⁿdibáse thoⁿ (n.phrase)
  1. Curved blade of a breaking-plow.
toⁿdínoⁿse (n.phrase)
  1. Shovel, spade.
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