
by Omaha Word

Page 7 of 12, showing 20 records out of 232 total

zhóⁿ ithábetʰoⁿ (n.phrase)
  1. Vine twined around a tree or similar object; "wood wrapped around".
zhoⁿ íthiznu (n.phrase)
  1. Log chain; "something used for snaking logs".
zhoⁿkóⁿ (n.)
  1. Root, tree root.
zhoⁿkʰóⁿtʰoⁿ (v.)
  1. Enclose, fortify with a wood fence or palisade; "bind wood together".
zhoⁿ mágugúde (n.phrase)
  1. Washboard.
zhoⁿmóⁿthiⁿ (n.phrase)
  1. Wagon, cart, wheel; "walking wood".
zhoⁿmóⁿthiⁿ gaíiza (n.phrase)
  1. Spring under a wagon.
zhoⁿmóⁿthiⁿ íthidoⁿ (n.phrase)
  1. Chain used for locking a wagon wheel.
zhoⁿmóⁿthiⁿ íznathe zhápʰă thóⁿ (n.phrase)
  1. Axle grease; "rosin used for greasing wagon".
zhóⁿnexe (n.phrase)
  1. White man's drum.
zhoⁿní (n.)
  1. Sugar, syrup, honey; "wood water, wood sap".
zhoⁿnígaxái (n.phrase)
  1. Raft.
zhóⁿnisági (n.phrase)
  1. Hard candy, stick candy; "hard sugar".
zhóⁿnisúsue (n.phrase)
  1. Sugar; white sugar.
zhoⁿní thibébthiⁿ (n.phrase)
  1. Twisted or plaited candy; "twisted sugar".
  2. Striped stick candy; candy cane.
  3. Candy of any type.
zhóⁿniznúznu (n.phrase)
  1. Molasses; "dripping sugar".
zhoⁿnóⁿtube (n.phrase)
  1. Sawdust.
zhóⁿ páithóⁿtha (n.phrase)
  1. Prickly ash.
zhoⁿpási (n.phrase)
  1. Top of a stick, pole, or tree.
zhoⁿpázhna (n.)
  1. A type of war club; "smooth-headed wood".
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