
by Omaha Word

Page 130 of 169, showing 20 records out of 3,373 total

wahóⁿ'e (v.a.)
  1. To pray or petition for a favor.
Wahóⁿthishíge (prop.noun)
  1. Orphan; the name of the hero in several myths.
  2. Orphan Boy
Wahóⁿthiⁿge (prop.noun)
  1. Orphan; a man's name of the Omaha Tesiⁿde clan.
wahóⁿthiⁿge (n.)
  1. Orphan; "without relatives".
wahóⁿthiⁿge (v.s.)
  1. To be an orphan.
wahú (intj.)
  1. Expresses anger, surprise, and perhaps disappointment.
wahúkithe (v.a.)
  1. To respect oneself; have self-respect.
wahúkʰiha (n.)
  1. A woman or girl who rejects a middle-aged suitor.
wahúsagi (v.a.)
  1. To scold; to say bad words in anger.
wahútoⁿtóⁿ (v.)
  1. To call out for them repeatedly.
wáhutóⁿthe (n.)
  1. Gun.
wahútoⁿthe (n.)
  1. Gun.
wahútoⁿthe ákʰithaskábe (n.phrase)
  1. Double-barreled gun.
wahútoⁿthe baxúxu (n.phrase)
  1. Rifle.
wahútoⁿthe chʰéshka (n.phrase)
  1. Pistol; "short gun".
wahútoⁿthe hidé (n.phrase)
  1. Butt or breech of a gun.
wahútoⁿthe íbasíhi (n.phrase)
  1. Gun swab; "cleans gun by pushing".
wahútoⁿthe móⁿdekoⁿ (n.phrase)
  1. Trigger; "gun bowstring".
wahútoⁿthe móⁿze (n.phrase)
  1. Gun barrel; "gun iron".
wahútoⁿthe naxíde (n.phrase)
  1. Pan of a flint-lock gun; "gun's inner ear".
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