
by Omaha Word

Page 128 of 169, showing 20 records out of 3,373 total

wágazu (v.s.)
  1. Straight, right, honest, upright.
wágazuázhi (v.s.)
  1. Not straight, dishonest, wrong, unjust.
wágazuqtiázhi (v.s.)
  1. Not exactly correct.
wágazúthe (v.a.)
  1. To make straight or correct.
  2. To consider something straight or correct.
wagóⁿtha (v.)
  1. To want them.
wagóⁿze (n.)
  1. Teacher.
  2. Missionary.
wagóⁿze nudóⁿhoⁿga (n.phrase)
  1. Officer over teachers or missionaries.
wagóⁿze wakóⁿdukʰíe (n.phrase)
  1. Minister, missionary; "teacher who talks to God".
wagthi (n.)
  1. Worm.
wagthíshka (n.)
  1. Insect, reptile, snake.
wagthíshka btháska (n.)
  1. Chinch, chinch bug; "flat bug".
wagthíshka ha shúga (n.)
  1. Cockroach; "insect with thick skin"
  2. Hercules Beetle (Dynastes tityus)
  3. Rhinoceros Beetle (Dynastes tityus)
wagthíshka hi dúba (n.)
  1. Lizard; "four-legged reptile".
wagthíshka hiⁿ shkúbe (n.)
  1. Caterpillar; "thick haired insect".
wagthíshka tú (n.)
  1. Green worm (caterpillar?), about two inches long, without hair and with two black horns. "Green insect".
wagthíshka ukígthiske (n.)
  1. Spider.
wahá (n.)
  1. Animal skins.
wahába (n.)
  1. Ear of corn, corn on the cob (hardened).
wahábaégoⁿ (n.)
  1. A water plant with corn-like ears; "like corn".
wahába qthíⁿ (n.phrase)
  1. Corn smut.
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